“It’s the Bee’s Knees”

We’re not idiots. We’re not going to call something the Bee’s Knees if it isn’t the bloody best. We’d have a riot on our hands. So we brought this sauce to the table only after a whole load of testing, taste trials and experimentation. We think we nailed it, but then again, we do like it hot. And only you can tell us if we really pulled off the bee’s knees of all sauces.

Before you make up your mind though, here’s the lowdown on our infamous mystery sauce…

“What is it?”
Don’t go telling this around to everyone ok, but it really isn’t anything too complicated. In fact, you could make it at home. We just use honey as an alternative to the vinegar usually found in tabasco sauce. It creates an explosion of flavours when accompanied with our buttermilk chicken. And means we can come up with funky pollen-related names for things.

“Where is it from?”
Literally our own brains. Think about it, if you were gonna spice up some chicken real good you’d add a whole load of cayenne pepper, right? And then a squeeze or three of lime? (We hear ya). Honey, you say? All over it. That’s you in our test kitchen right there.

“What does it taste like?”
Like a bee sting without the pain. In a good way. Ain’t nothing else like it.

“Where can I try some?”
Get it as a side for just 50p, coated over your chicken wings or with your monkey balls, where it comes as standard with a pot of Bourbon BBQ. Perfect for dipping and looking like a general badass. After all, you’re the bee’s knees, right? Represent.